Dr. Frans J. Cronjé Practice
MBChB (UP), BSc(Hons), MSc (Aerospace), DOM
Designated Senior Aviation Medical Examiner
Diving Medical Examiner - Class II (Air)
Occupational Medical Practioner
Near Tygervalley, Ridgeworth (Bellville)

PLEASE NOTE: Dr Frans & Sr Lucie Cronje have accepted a training and clinical position in Aerospace and Hyperbaric Medicine at the American Mission Hospital in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The South African practice will not be active in their absence.
The Booking tab will not be active.
Note there is now also a LIGHT BLUE BUTTON with a list of all Senior DAME's in CT area and a
DARK BLUE BUTTON with all the Diving Medical Practitioners in South Africa on a Map with their details as you Zoom in.
Kindly make appointments with them.
All your records are available to them through the SACAA EMPIC system or SAUHMA Database, so your visit to them should be simple and without any difficulty. I appreciate your support of our practice. Some of you have been with us for many years, and we will miss you. With great appreciation. Dr Frans & Sr Lucie Cronje

Dr. Frans J. Cronjé
Senior Aviation Medical Examiner Diving Medical Examiner
Psychiatric disorders, psycho-active medication and inappropriate use of psychoactive substances are a common and significant concern to aviation medicine and -safety.
However, not all mental health or psychiatric disorders represent a contraindication to performing aviation duties. Mood Disorders, in particular, may be compatible with aviation medical fitness if the fitness criteria of the Mood Disorder Protocol are met.
To this end, appropriate Psychiatric and Psychological reports may be required, or requested, as part of the Aviation Medical Fitness Assessment, Aviation Medical Panel Assessments or in Medical Appeal cases. The circular letter from South African Civil Aviation Authority regarding the requirements for applicants for Aviation Personnel who may qualify for an Aviation Medical Waiver on the Mood Disorder Protocol is available through this link:
Mood Disorder Protocol Information
SACAA Website with Amendment on Mood Disorder Protocol
Note that, as specified under the criteria of the Mood Disorder Protocol, the following Medication may no longer be considered incompatible to aviation medical fitness - if used a single medication, with complete control of Mood Disorder symptoms (as confirmed by a written Psychiatrist & Psychologist's Report) for at least 4 weeks, and without medication side-effects:
Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Sertraline (Zoloft)
The outcome of the application remains subject to approval by the Aviation Medical Committee of the South African Civil Aviation Authority