Dr. Frans J. Cronjé Practice
MBChB (UP), BSc(Hons), MSc (Aerospace), DOM
Designated Senior Aviation Medical Examiner
Diving Medical Examiner - Class II (Air)
Occupational Medical Practioner
Near Tygervalley, Ridgeworth (Bellville)

PLEASE NOTE: Dr Frans & Sr Lucie Cronje have accepted a training and clinical position in Aerospace and Hyperbaric Medicine at the American Mission Hospital in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The South African practice will not be active in their absence.
The Booking tab will not be active.
Note there is now also a LIGHT BLUE BUTTON with a list of all Senior DAME's in CT area and a
DARK BLUE BUTTON with all the Diving Medical Practitioners in South Africa on a Map with their details as you Zoom in.
Kindly make appointments with them.
All your records are available to them through the SACAA EMPIC system or SAUHMA Database, so your visit to them should be simple and without any difficulty. I appreciate your support of our practice. Some of you have been with us for many years, and we will miss you. With great appreciation. Dr Frans & Sr Lucie Cronje

Dr. Frans J. Cronjé
Senior Aviation Medical Examiner Diving Medical Examiner
Detailed Process of Aviation Medical Assessments - with links
Please make an appointment at a time that is convenient for you by visiting the "Appointment" section.
Kindly download, print and complete the Aviation Medical History Form legibly and bring the original with you to the appointment.
Kindly review the Mental Health Screening Questions in advance. They will also be reviewed during the medical.
Most Aviation Medical appointments are made in the afternoon. Mondays, Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons are usually best.
When making an appointment:
Always select "Long Medical" for all first medicals or if you are unsure.
Only click "Short Medical" if you are absolutely sure you do not need a Resting ECG / Stress ECG or Lung Function.
All initial medicals require a Chest X-ray. For more information, click here.
If you need a Stress ECG (if there are cardiovascular risk factors), this will be arranged at the time of the medical.
If you are on a medical protocol, like Hypertension, Asthma, Melanoma, etc., please indicate this when you make the appointment so that we can send you a prescription for the required blood tests.
Bring a photo ID: RSA ID / Passport; driver's license and your current pilot license (renewals or upgraded licenses).
Payment is made on completion of the medical: Cash or EFT. The medical will only be submitted to IAM upon receipt of payment.
Costs: (Note: these costs exclude the costs for Stress ECG [± R 400]; & Chest X-ray [± R 300] which are paid for separately at the practice where the service is rendered)
Initial medical: R1300 (Lung Function included; Resting ECG included). Initial Chest X-ray ± R 300 are paid for separately where the service is rendered )
Long medical: R1300 (Lung Function included; Resting ECG included). If needed, Stress ECG ± R 400 is paid for separately where the service is rendered ).
Short Medical: (No Resting or Stress ECG; No Lung Function) R850